Definition of "peaker"
plural peakers
That which reaches or forms a peak.
The amplitude was sufficiently large to enable one to see the string take the shape of the compounded wave, but as the phase difference between the two vibrations changed rapidly, the visual impression was of a three-peaker curve.
1912 June, A. I. Steven, “The Composition of Two Simple Harmonic Motions exhibited by a Stretched String”, in London, Edinburgh and Dublin Philosophical Magazine, volume 23, number 138, page 979
One whose behaviour or performance reaches a maximum (of something) at a particular time.
All patients and controls who achieved maximum PHA response on day six or later were called " late peakers" , and those who achieved maximum PHA response on day four or earlier were called "early peakers" .
1986, Royal Egyptian Medical Association, The Journal of the Egyptian Medical Association - Volume 69, page 375
In general, those subjects classified as rare offenders or moderate late peakers (approximately 70% of the sample) were significantly less likely than those on the high-level chronic trajectory to be male, to have poor academic achievement, to have low social support from family, to experience stressful life events, and to use alcohol or other substances.
2009, Joanne Savage, The Development of Persistent Criminality
A power station that provides energy supply only during peak usage periods.
The most common peaking units or "peakers" are electricity generating units that run during times of high electricity consumption.
2000, Richard F. Kosobud, Douglas L. Schreder, Holly M. Biggs, Emissions Trading: Environmental Policy's New Approach, page 281