Definition of "cordate"
plural cordates
(philosophy) Any animal with a heart.
If, for instance, the context:(1) Necessarily all cordates are cordatesis available in the language, then the desired contrast seems to work out. […] At the same time, as desired, ‘cordate’ remains interchangeable with ‘creature with a heart’, at least in the example (1); for necessarily all cordates, by definition, have hearts.
1970, Willard Van Orman Quine, Philosophy of Logic, pages 8–9
The organisms in any sample of tigers will almost always happen to exemplify genetic properties more specific than the property shared by exactly the tigers, as well as a number of more inclusive ones such as properties common to all mammals or to all cordates.
2002, Timothy McCarthy, Radical Interpretation and Indeterminacy, page 124
However, the property of being a cordate and the property of being a renate are different properties; the former has something to do with hearts and the latter has something to do with kidneys.
2021, Ken Akiba, “Vaguenss from the philosophical point of view”, in Apostolos Syropoulos, Basil K. Papadopoulos, editors, Vagueness in the Exact Sciences, page 6